Congratulations Compton Engineering On Winning Award for Linea Dock BulkHead Improvements

Photo courtesy of Hancock County Port & Harbor Commission
Compton Engineering was awarded with the 2020 American Council of Engineering Companies in Mississippi’s ‘Honor Award’ for the Linea Dock Bulkhead Improvements project at the Hancock County Port and Harbor Commission’s (HCPHC) Port Bienville maritime port. Marine Structures was honored to provide bollards for this award-winning project!
In 2017, a Hurricane Katrina Community Development Block Grant for Hancock County was awarded to HCPHC for the over $9 million reconstruction of the dock, which is located at the mouth of Port Bienville. The Linea Dock increases the economic viability of Port Bienville for its tenants and customers and creates opportunities for container on barge and related markets. This project, was implemented in conjunction with Hancock County, reconstructed the damaged dock and extended its length. This investment hopes to facilitate increased draft barge and shipping traffic into the Port.
Compton Engineering firm developed and designed the improvements to the Linea Dock, and oversaw the restoration and implementation of the project. The total rehabilitation and restoration of the Linea Dock was completed in 2019, and the project officially closed in January of this year.
This berthing area can now accommodate up to 6 barges, and features a heavy lift area with a capacity of 1,500 psf. Compton Engineering also designed and managed the installation of 1,000 linear feet of bulkhead with a pile supported concrete apron tied into an existing bulkhead tieback system, a large crushed stone yard with lighting, repairs to an existing concrete slab, floating dock, and a security fence. For more details on Compton Engineering, visit their website.
Marine Structures provides mooring bollards, cleats and extruded fenders to engineering firms and marine contractors world-wide. Our participation in this project, continues to build upon our footprint across the United States and beyond. For more information about Marine Structures or to get a quote for your next project, click here.