Massachusetts Maritime Academy Prepares Pier for New Training Ship

Keely laying MMA

To help the State Maritime Academies train the next generations in a more efficient manner, Congress approved the building of training-specific vessels for five maritime academies throughout of the United States. The next in line is Massachusetts Maritime Academy (MMA) who is scheduled to receive the National Security Multi-Mission Vessel II Training Ship (NSMV) in…

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SUNY Maritime Upgrades Pier for New Training Ship

SUNY Maritime College Training Vessel

As the United States Maritime Industry prepares to train the next generation of Mariners, Congress has authorized State Maritime Academies (SMAs) to have an entirely new class of purpose-built training ships that are also designed to respond to national emergencies referred to as a National Security Multi-mission Vessel (NSMV). The State University of New York…

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American Made Mooring Bollards Shipping This Week To Port Of Alaska

Mooring Bollards to head to Port of Alaska

Construction work is underway on another port and Marine Structures is shipping several 100 ton American made single bitt mooring bollards this week. The Destination: Port of Alaska’s new Petroleum and Cement Terminal (PCT). According to the Port of Alaska’s website, “The PCT will be a pile-supported dock located south of existing Port of Alaska…

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Congratulations Compton Engineering On Winning Award for Linea Dock BulkHead Improvements

Linea Dock Bulkhead Improvements

Compton Engineering was awarded with the 2020 American Council of Engineering Companies in Mississippi’s ‘Honor Award’ for the Linea Dock Bulkhead Improvements project at the Hancock County Port and Harbor Commission’s (HCPHC) Port Bienville maritime port. Marine Structures was honored to provide bollards for this award-winning project! In 2017, a Hurricane Katrina Community Development Block…

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